12 Rue Feydeau
75002 Paris

Join us at the next #sci_beer !!!
Abstract (to be a bit scientific 😉 ):
The Ebola virus is a highly pathogenic viral agent causing potentially lethal Ebola virus disease in humans and primates. Originally identified in 1976, it has since caused several outbreaks in remote areas of Central Africa. The virus is maintained in wild animals, with occasional spill overs to human populations. In 2013, one such event initiated an epidemic of an unprecedented scale in densely populated countries of West Africa. In total, over 28,000 people became infected, out of which around 11,300 succumbed to the disease, although both figures are thought to be grossly understated. In my talk I will focus on an international response to this humanitarian crisis, with a particular emphasis on a daily life of a field diagnostic laboratory.
This time the whole meeting will be in English, but we welcome all the people speaking other languages, as our science lovers are pretty international!