24 Boulevard du Montparnasse
75015 Paris

Young Researchers in Life Sciences:
2017 Edition
The « Young Researchers in Life Science » conference is back for the 8th edition!
This year, YRLS will take place at Imagine Institute (Paris) on 15 to 17 of May 2017.
This meeting brings together over 250 participants coming from more than ten countries. This is a real opportunity for young researchers (Masters, PhD students, PostDocs) to present their work using posters or oral communications during an international and interdisciplinary event with people that work in the same field of expertise. During three days, the congress allows participants to widen their scientifique network and to discover new carrier paths.
As every year, many students associations are associated to the YRLS : ACTIF, ADELIH, ADIC, ADIT, AMPS, Les Cartésiens, SPIBens, StaPa et YR2I.
During this new edition, 8 sessions will allow the participants to present posters or oral communications in various topics :
Genetics & Epigenetics
Cancer biology
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Microbiology & Host-Pathogen Interaction
Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Computative Biology & Interfaces
Ecology, Evolution & Development
Neurosciences & Physiology
Keynote speakers have already confirmed their participation, such as Professor Ludovic Orlando (Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen) and Doctor Sylvia Santos (MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London). These speakers will give a one hour oral communication during YRLS.
As previous editions, various activities will be organized to promote interaction between participants such as a cheese & wine ice-breaker, a guided tour in a famous neighborhood in Paris and an evening to a bar.
Registrations are now open. Deadline for simple registration (no abstract submission) is set on April 14th. Deadline for abstract submission is March 8th.
You can find all the informations one the website : http://yrls.fr
Price reductions are available for associations members. Don’t hesitate to contact your association for more information.